(516) 319-5822
The rules have changed against drunk driving and drug use in New York, as Governor Cuomo has put forth. You can permanently lose your license if you rack up three or more DWI or drug related problems. This is existence if you have these convictions over a 25 year period or if you have five booze or drug related issues in your lifetime.
There have been too much drunk driving issues going on that it has been enough and it is time to put a stop to it. Governor Cuomo spoke about how “driving is not a right but a privilege.” By keeping these kinds of drivers off the roads it is keeping everyone else safe. A serious driving offense, can be a numerous of things; accumulating 20 or more points, two or more driving convictions each worth five points or higher or a fatal crash.
This is not an issue anyone should be upset about or have issues with because it has to come to a stop. Every day there are drunk driving accidents where people are killed and it has to be put to a stop. If people do not learn the lesson of drunk driving, they will have serious actions against them.
For more information about this new action, CLICK HERE.