Friday, December 30, 2011

Don't Plead Guilty! This Week's Case Study Shows Over $1,770 in Savings!

     Traffic Ticket Nassau County
350 Old Country Road Suite 205, Garden City NY 11530
(516) 319-5822

Don’t plead guilty to a traffic ticket in Nassau County and risk the loss of your license! Let Traffic Ticket Nassau County handle your case, appear in court on your behalf and fight to prevent any point against you.

Let’s break down Traffic Ticket Nassau County’s Case Studies for this week to see all the fines he has reduced and/or eliminated, as well as the number of points Traffic Ticket Nassau County has made disappear.

Case #1: The original charges were unsafe lane changing (3 points and $195 fine); hazard marking (3 points and $195 fine); and disobeying an officer (2 points and $195 fine) with a total fine of $585 and 8 points. Traffic Ticket Nassau County reduced the unsafe lane change and the hazard marking charges to a parking ticket with 0 points and a total fine of $200, and dismissed the disobeying an officer charge with a $15 fine, saving his client 8 points and $370! 

Case #2: The original charges were unsafe lane changing (3 points and $195 fine); hazard marking (3 points and $195 fine); and fld lawf ord (2 points and $195 fine), with a total fine of $585 and 8 points. Traffic Ticket Nassau County dismissed the last charge leaving a $15 fine, and reduced the remaining two charges to parking tickets with no points and a combined fine of $200, saving his client 8 points and $370. 

Case #3: The original charges were disobeying a traffic device (2 points and $195 fine); unsafe lane changing (3 points and $195 fine); and hazard marking (2 points and $195 fine). Traffic Ticket Nassau County reduced the unsafe lane change and disobeying a traffic device to parking tickets and dismissed the hazard marking charge, saving his client a total of 8 points and $330! 

Case Study #4: The original charges were disobeying a traffic device (2 points and a $195 fine) and hazard marking (points and $195 fine). Traffic Ticket Nassau County dismissed the hazard marking charge with a $15 fee and reduced the other to a parking ticket with a $150 fine, saving his client 5 points and $225.

Case #5: The original charges were disobeying a traffic device (3 points and a $245 fine) and disobeying a traffic device again (2 points and $195 fine). Traffic Ticket Nassau County dismissed one with a $15 fee and reduced the other to a parking ticket with a $175 fine, saving his client 6 points and $265.

Case #6: The original charges were speeding (8 points and $495 fine) and tailgating (4 points and $195 fine), with a total of 12 points and $690 in fines. Traffic Ticket Nassau County reduced the speeding charge to a failure to yield charge, with 3 points and $345 fine and the tailgating charge to a parking ticket with no points and $175 fine, saving his client 9 points and $170.

Case #7: The original charges were improper turning (2 points and $195 fine) and unsafe turning (3 points and $195 fine), with a total of 5 points and $390 in fines. Traffic Ticket Nassau County reduced both to parking tickets, with 0 points and $350, saving his client 5 points and $40.

There it is, another successful week for Traffic Ticket Nassau County. To view previous case studies, click the "Case Studies" tab above.

If you have been issued a traffic violation in Nassau County, contact Traffic Ticket Nassau County at 516-319-5822 and visit Traffic Ticket Nassau County for further information. All consultations are free and no office visit is necessary!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Are you looking to get out of a traffic ticket issued in Nassau County? Here's how!

    Traffic Ticket Nassau County
350 Old Country Road Suite 205, Garden City NY 11530
(516) 319-5822

If you’re looking for a way to get out of a traffic violation ticket that was issued in Nassau County, call Traffic Ticket Nassau County at 516-319-5822. 

Millions of traffic tickets are issued across Long Island each year, but only few are contested. Why? We’re not sure; but hopefully in 2012 more people with traffic violations will use the services provided by Traffic Ticket Nassau County to get their fines, points and charges reduced and even dismissed completely.

Traffic Ticket Nassau County will defend all traffic tickets including speeding tickets; suspended license; and DWI/DUI charges. Other violations Traffic Ticket Nassau County will handle are:
  • Driving in the Wrong Direction 
  • Driving Left of Center 
  • Driving Without Insurance 
  • Failing to Stop for a School Bus 
  • Failing to Yield Right of Way 
  • Failure to Signal Lane Change 
  • Improper Passing
  • Inadequate Brakes 
  • Leaving the Scene of an Incident 
  • Railroad Crossing Violation 
  • Reckless Driving 
  • Safety Belt Violation 
  • Stop Sign Violation 
  • Tailgating 
  • Traffic Signal Violation 
  • Trucking Violations 
  • Unsafe Lane Changes 
  • Yield Sign Violation
If you were handed a ticket for one of the above violations, tell Traffic Ticket Nassau County about it during your FREE consultation and let him form a strategy to fight it! 

DO NOT PLEAD GUILTY! All consultations are FREE and NO office visit is necessary!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Provision to New York State's Move-Over-Law Starting Sunday, January 1st, 2012!

Traffic Ticket Nassau County
 350 Old Country Road Suite 205, Garden City NY 11530
(516) 319-5822
According to an article published in Newsday, a new provision of New York State’s Move-Over Law starts Sunday, January 1st, 2012.

“The law that requires motorists to move over a lane when approaching flashing police lights will include the flashing amber lights of tow trucks and other emergency-type vehicles, police said Tuesday in a news release,” ( 

The law was designed to protect police and other law-enforcement officers who typically pull over the motorists or stop to help. The original law took effect January 1st of 2011. 

Starting Sunday, the law includes protection for drivers of tow trucks and other emergency-type vehicles including road crews. 

“State Police joined forces with Department of Transportation workers and two truck operators in a news conference Tuesday morning at a Clifton Park rest stop to publicize the new phase of the law,” reported Newsday. Included at the press conference were DOT Executive Commissioner Stanley Gee, Tom Brennan, president of Empire State Towing & Recovery Association, and State Police Superintendent Joseph D’Amico. 

If you get pulled over this law, or another traffic violation, DO NOT PLEAD GUILTY. Contact Traffic Ticket Nassau County immediately at 516-319-5822. Visit for more information. All consultations are FREE and NO office visit is necessary.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Don't Plead Guilty to a Traffic Ticket in Nassau County! Here's this week's CASE STUDIES!

Traffic Ticket Nassau County
 350 Old Country Road Suite 205, Garden City NY 11530
(516) 319-5822

Don’t plead guilty to a traffic ticket in Nassau County and risk the loss of your license! Let Traffic Ticket Nassau County handle your case, appear in court on your behalf and fight to prevent any point against you.

Let’s break down Traffic Ticket Nassau County’s Case Studies for this week to see all the fines he has reduced and/or eliminated, as well as the number of points Traffic Ticket Nassau County has made disappear.

Case #1: The original charge was speeding with a fine of $385 and 6 points. Traffic Ticket Nassau County reduced this to a failure to obey a traffic device with 2 points and a $235 fine, saving his client 4 points and $150! 

Case #2: The original charges were driving with no insurance and a suspended registration, a misdemeanor. Traffic Ticket Nassau County dismissed the insurance charge and reduced the misdemeanor to an unregistered vehicle traffic violation. 

Case #3: The original charges were making an unsafe lane change with a fine of $230 and 3 points and driving an unregistered vehicle with a fine of $385 and 0 points. Traffic Ticket Nassau County reduced the unsafe lane change to a parking ticket and dismissed the unregistered vehicle charge, saving his client a total of 3 points and $465! 

Case #4: The original charge was speeding with a fine of $495 and 6 points. Traffic Ticket Nassau County reduced this to a failure to obey a traffic device charge with 2 points and $245 fine, saving his client 4 points and $250.

There it is, another successful week for Traffic Ticket Nassau County. To view previous case studies, click the "Case Studies" tab above.

If you have been issued a traffic violation in Nassau County, contact Traffic Ticket Nassau County at 516-319-5822 and visit Traffic Ticket Nassau County for further information. All consultations are free and no office visit is necessary!