Thursday, December 1, 2011

Holiday Safety. About 1,200 lives are lost each year between Thanksgiving and New Year's from drinking & driving related accidents.

Traffic Ticket Nassau County
 350 Old Country Road Suite 205, Garden City NY 11530
(516) 319-5822

Happy Holidays! Holidays bring Holiday parties. Holiday parties bring drinking. Increased drinking brings DWI’s. Be Smart. Be Careful. Be Safe. Don't drink and drive.
Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, there are more alcohol-related traffic fatalities in the United States than any other time during the year. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is routine at holiday celebrations across the country, and unfortunately about 1,200 lives are lost each year due to drinking and driving throughout the holiday season. 

If you are hosting a holiday celebration, or are attending one, be smart and plan ahead. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when organizing plans for the holidays. 

Eat- then drink, and be Merry. Provide plenty of food to keep your guests from drinking on an empty stomach if you’re hosting a get-together. Keep in mind that salty snacks tend to make a person thirsty, which in turn encourages more drinking. 

When hosting a party, remember this: 
  • If preparing an alcoholic punch, use a non-carbonated base. Alcohol is absorbed faster with a carbonated base. 
  • Never serve someone under the legal drinking age or allow minors to serve guests. 
  • Don't let guests mix their own drinks. Designate a reliable "bartender" to keep track of who is drinking and how much. 
  • Do not encourage drinking. It's not essential to a good time. 
  • Be a good host by staying within your limits so you can be sure your guests stay within theirs. 
  • Close the bar 90 minutes before the party ends and serve a dessert with coffee. 
  • Remember that only time can sober someone who has been drinking.
If you think one or more of your guests are drinking too much, here are some suggestions to help them out:
  • Engage them in conversation to slow down their drinking. 
  • Offer to make their next drink and use less alcohol. 
  • Offer high protein food. 
  • Don't be afraid to insist they slow down, stop or switch to a non-alcoholic beverage.
Be sure to provide nonalcoholic options for non-drinkers and designated drivers. Encourage guests to have a designated driver, plans to spend the night or someone to call for a ride in case they decide to drink. Hold your guests accountable and ask them their plans before serving them a drink. 

No matter what, if guests have been drinking too much, DO NOT let them drive, regardless of how much they insist. If you’re not sure, always lean on the cautious side and arrange a ride or a safe place for them to sleep it off. 

If you are attending a party, arrange your plans beforehand and stick to them. The holidays are a time to have fun, and that can be accomplished without alcohol!

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